Saturday, September 29, 2007


Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Some days do not go as planned that is what makes them great! I was to get up at 4:30 this morning and ride out the door to mount Pisgah but Sherri turned the alarm off at first ring. So we slept in till 7:00am plans are changing. I take decide to take Sherri to work but since I am no hurry so we stop by west Asheville bakery for fresh coffee while waiting in line they bring out steaming fresh Danishes must have it the perfect fast breakfast. After I drop Sherri off I ride up town then up town mountain road to the parkway it was closed so I turn around and head down mountain head to the house. As I was enjoying the wonderful morning light the way it washed the downtown area on the way down was very Thomas Kincaid. I must see more mountains so I head home to get the bike. After loading it on the car I head too the arboretum. After unloading the bike and packing with today's necessities I head up the mountain. Even though the parkway was closed the first part of the mountain was busy. I went past several logging operations. Today was front of tunnel day they were clearing over hanging limbs. All the way up the parkway ever hundred yards or so there would be a stack of wood from one tree some times two. I wonder what they do with do they leave it and let the first up the mountain when it opens get it? Or do they gather and sell at the campgrounds in the summer.
I did get the dickens scared out of me once when a grouse drummed off ten feet beside me. Other wise just a nice ride I was in shorts half way up, but it was getting cool on the top, then layered on every thing I had with me for the windy ride back down. I had my camp stove with me so I did get to stop a few times for hot tea. Also had a bowl of cereal and on top I had a can of pears a piece of dark chocolate I had brought at earth fair last night it was good but dam! it is hard to break into bite size pieces! The "leatherman" chisel comes through once again.
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